Rights of Shareholders

Rights of Shareholders

The Company recognizes shareholders as business owners, and as such, focuses on ethical business operations, respect for rights of shareholders, and responsibility to shareholders, in accordance with the following practices:

1. The Company will ensure that shareholders participate in making major decisions of the Company.

  1. Certain material matters are to be considered and/or approved by shareholders, and these matters are included on the agenda of the shareholders' meeting.
  2. Encourage shareholders’ participation such as allowing minor shareholders to propose agenda matters, nominate director candidates, and submit questions in advance of the shareholders' meeting.
  3. Ensure that a notice of a meeting of shareholders includes accurate, complete, and sufficient information to enable shareholders to exercise their rights.
  4. A notice of a meeting of shareholders, along with supporting documents, will be sent out and published on the Company's website and/or through newspaper advertisements, as required by law.
  5. Both the notice of a meeting of shareholders and the supporting documents are prepared in English and disseminated along with the Thai version.

2. The Company ensures that the shareholders' meeting is duly, transparently, and efficiently conducted to enable shareholders to exercise their rights.

  1. Schedule the date, time, and place of the meeting, taking into consideration the convenience of shareholders' attendance.
  2. No actions are in place that restrict the opportunity for shareholders to attend a meeting or impose any unreasonable burden on them.
  3. Promote the use of technology in the conduct of the shareholders’ meeting, specifically for tasks such as registration of shareholders, vote counting, and display. The objective is to ensure an efficient meeting that proceeds with speed, accuracy, and precision.
  4. Conduct the meeting in accordance with relevant laws, rules and regulations, and the Company’s articles of association, allocates time for each matter on the agenda per the notice of the meeting as appropriate, and allows shareholders to share their opinions and ask questions to the meeting in relation to the Company.
  5. Not to support the addition of agenda matters that were not previously notified in advance, particularly important matters for which shareholders need time to study information before making their decisions.
  6. Advise shareholders of several important aspects before the meeting including providing information on the number and percentage of shareholders present at the meeting, both in person and by proxy, meeting procedures, and vote casting and counting.
  7. Arrange for separate voting on each matter in the event that an agenda item contains multiple matters.
  8. Promote the use of voting cards for important matters, encourage independent individuals to assist in vote counting or checking, and disclose the voting results for each item as 'For,' 'Against,' and 'Abstention' to the meeting and records such votes in the minutes of the meeting.

3. The Company is responsible for overseeing the accurate and comprehensive disclosure of the meeting resolutions and minutes of the shareholders' meeting.

  1. Disclose the resolutions of shareholders’ meeting, with voting results, by the following business day through the news portal of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and on the Company’s website.
  2. Submit a copy of the minutes of shareholders’ meeting to the Stock Exchange of Thailand within 14 days from the date of the shareholders’ meeting.
  3. Arrange for the minutes of the shareholders' meeting to record all relevant information accurately and comprehensively.